7 Glorious Beaches in Banyuwangi with Best Scenery

Source: www.indonesia.travel
The city of Banyuwangi has many favourite tourist attractions that local and foreign tourists often visit. There are various amazing tours when visiting this city on the eastern tip of Java Island, one of which is marine tourism. Well, here are some of the most popular beach tourism references in Banyuwangi.
- Red Island Beach
The origin of Pulau Merah Beach’s name is due to the presence of a hill near the beach whose soil looks reddish. You can witness this red sand panorama for yourself when the beach water is receding. Many foreign tourists do surfing activities on this beach because it has quite challenging waves.
- Watu Dodol Beach
Watu Dodol is one of the beaches located on the Coastal Line. Therefore, this beach is always crowded with visitors. You can find this beach easily on your way to Ketapang Harbor. The distance from the beach to the port of Ketapang is also quite close, which is only 2 km. This is what makes many tourists stop at Watu Dodol beach before leaving to cross the island.
Watu Dodol Beach has beautiful natural scenery because it has large boulders, 15 m in diameter and 10 meters high. Based on the available information, this boulder cannot be moved despite various efforts. In addition to the attractiveness of the boulders, the blue sea of the beach is also very suitable for your photo spot.
- Plengkung Beach
Besides Red Beach, you can visit Plengkung beach, better known as G-Land for surfing. This beach even has the nickname “The Seven Giant Waves Wonder” by foreign surfers. This is because Plengkung has seven rolling waves with a height that can reach 6 meters. In addition to surfing, this beach can also refresh your tense mind. The blue sea of Plengkung and white sand make this beach have a panorama that attracts tourists to come back. Bring your family or loved ones when visiting this beach.
- Sukamade Beach
The attraction of Sukamade beach lies in the presence of turtles that you can find on the mainland. These sea turtles will then lay their eggs on the shores of the Sukamade island. The beach, which is still part of the Meru Betiri National Park, presents releasing turtles into the sea simultaneously. You can take pictures with the turtles before they are released into the sea. Usually, the turtles will land on Sukamade Beach at half-past eight at night.

- Green Bay Beach
As the name implies, this beach with the nickname “Green Bay” has turquoise seawater. Green Bay is one of the most favourite beaches that attracts many tourists because of its natural beauty. During the day, the sseawater from Teluk Hijau will sparkle because of the reflection of sunlight.
The beach is located in Sarongan, also has a waterfall tour which tourists usually use to rinse the body after swimming. Green Bay itself is still in the Meru Betiri National Park area. In addition, there is a rock area on this beach which is usually used by tourists as a unique and instagrammable photo spot. Activities that you can do here include snorkeling, playing with fish, and witnessing the seabed beautiful coral reefs.
- Trianggulasi Beach
If you want to come to the beach with a calm atmosphere, just visit Trianggulasi beach is still part of the Alas Purwo National Park. This beach has the charm of white sand and a clear blue sea. Tourists rarely visit Trianggulasi Beach so that you can cool off from the crowds. In addition to playing on the beach, you can sunbathe and relax to make your mind fresher.
- Rajegwesi Beach
Marine tourism that should not be missed when coming to Banyuwangi is Rajegwesi Beach. On this beach, you can see many fishing boats leaning their boats on the beach area. This beach has quite large waves because it is still in the same area as the Indian Ocean. Therefore you have to be careful when swimming.
The name Rejegwesi itself comes from the presence of a large rock in the coastal area. In Javanese, rejeg means pillar, and wesi means iron. So rajegwesi is interpreted as an iron fence by residents. In addition, Rajegwesi beach sand has a colour that tends to brown due to silt in the river carried and empties into the beach.
Whether your trips take you on a long stroll on beaches, delicious cuisines, relaxing spas and resorts or urban attractions, additional research will give you the best experience for your visit. Get to know more about Banyuwangi by visiting Wonderful Indonesia.